The Postwar Life of the Tsveigorn Family

Rachel Shlimovich married Shmuel Tsveigorn in Kaunas in 1951. Rachel’s aunt Dvoira lived with the young couple and helped them with housekeeping. Together, Aunt Dvoira and Rachel had endured the Kaunas Ghetto and the Nazi concentration camps, and their suffering brought them close together, almost replacing Rachel’s parents who had perished during the Holocaust. The Tsveigorns and Aunt Dvoira lived together until her death in 1979 at the age of 76 and had remained united in one loving and supportive family. Suffering and hardships, which they faced each day during the Holocaust, held them together and helped them to appreciate every moment of life.

Shmuel graduated from Kaunas Polytechnic Institute. And after that, he worked at different engineering positions in Kaunas.

Rachel graduated from Kaunas University, and worked as a pharmacist in many city drugstores during her career.

They have two wonderful daughters, Hannah and Bella, who increased their happiness and gave another purpose in life to their loving parents. Their daughters were good students in school.

As time went on, they start thinking about repatriation to Israel. That dream had strengthened every day. The Tsveigorns and Aunt Dvoira came to the historical homeland via Vienna on January 1, 1973. They lived in Tel Aviv, and soon after their arrival, Shmuel and Rachel found work in their respective professions. Soon Rachel was offered work as a pharmacy inspector for "Kupat Cholim Klalit," the largest Israeli health fund. The pharmacy staff loves her very much. I have read very touching and warm retirement wishes from the people who worked with her which were full of love and gratitude. Many of her co-workers called her Mother. Rachel retired in 2002 when she was 72 years old. However, even after that she often got invited back to volunteer her time and expertise to help the drawing up of accounts; to give advice on business-related questions or just to chat. She never refused aid and kept sharing the warmth of her heart with people.

Shmuel also retired and helped his daughters to modify and customize their apartments, as well as always helping his wife with housekeeping.

Hannah graduated from Tel Aviv University and became a doctor. She has an administrative position at "Kupat Cholim Klalit" and has her own private medical practice. Her husband Victor Schwartzman is a manager in the Properties and Acquisitions Administration of the Israel ORT education system (Colleges and Schools for Advanced Technologies and Sciences). Victor and Hannah have three children. Their eldest son Jonathan served in the army and now he is a student of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Faculty of Medicine. Another son Nir has recently finished his servi ce in the Israeli Defense Forces and now he is a student of Bar-Ilan University. The youngest son Barak is a high school student and likes to play sports.

Bella is a mathematics teacher. She serves as head of the department of curriculum and instruction in her school. Her husband Yitzhak Kushnir is an engineer. Yitzhak and Bella have two children. Both sons have served in the army. Eldest son Doron has received Master’s degree in physics. He is now engaged in research and is working towards his Ph.D. Their youngest son Alon has finished his army service and presently he is a student of Bar-Ilan University.

Shmuel and Rachel are very proud of their daughters, sons-in-law, and grandsons. I had an opportunity to meet all of them during my visit to Israel. I am grateful to them for having me as a guest and their kindness towards me.